Bring Receipts Podcast

Welcome to Bring Receipts (Trailer)

Bring Receipts Season 1 Episode 0

Launching Friday May 7th!

Bring Receipts is a podcast hosted by long time friends Brandi Collins-Dexter and Steven Renderos. Each episode Brandi and Steven debate an unpopular opinion about pop culture. A special guest judge joins the podcast to help decide who is right. Season 1 of Bring Receipts will focus on the 1980s, so put on your FILA tracksuit, grab your Transformers and tear down your's time to Bring Receipts!

Follow Us on Social Media:
Twitter: @bring_receipts
Instagram: @bring_receipts

Follow BR Hosts on Twitter:
Brandi (@BrandingBrandi)
Steven Renderos (@stevenrenderos)

Artwork & Logo by:
Andrés Guzmán (IG: andresitoguzman)

Beats by:
DJ Ren

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I’m Brandi

And I’m Steven

And welcome to our podcast Bring Receipts. 

We’re long time friends who love to debate music, sports and pop culture.

And ONE of us has some unpopular opinions 

Only ONE of us?

Ok...maybe we both have some debatable opinions

On this podcast, instead of leaving our debates unresolved, we’re bringing our receipts and pleading our cause to special guest judges

And virtually EVERYTHING is up for debate: like I think 1985 Bears are the greatest team ever assembled in any sport that has ever existed. Ever. 

That’s debatable. But what’s not debatable is that the movie Stand and Deliver is DEFINITELY right wing propaganda

Well...I think Family Matters is definitely deep state propaganda

“Whoomp There It Is” is a better song than “Whoot There It is”

WOW you are crazy for that one....

ANYWAYS...Each season will feature a theme and for season 1 we’ve decided to focus on the 1980s

You know cause we were born in the 1980s and really any time before that doesn’t matter.

Each episode our special guest judge will use a scorecard to determine who is right

But in order to win, we must Bring Receipts

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